Sunday, April 25, 2010

I am not my own

His grace covers more than I could imagine. His blood paid for the people who are sinning right now. His blood covers the people who are blinded by sin and weathered from years of trying to do things their own way. He showed and is showing His grace to people who have fallen away from their focus and purpose. The power of the cross is greater than I could ever think. What power to be able to completely save a person from death and lead them to life.

Why do I assume that God cannot save His own people? Why don't I think that the power of His death and resurrection is enough to give Him my complete trust? Why do I think that He has somehow just forgotten about the church as a whole and needs me to fix everything? Why do I think that I have more power to change the church than He does? Do I seriously think God has forgotten or is choosing to not act or help the church refocus? Am I really that doubtful that God will take care of others like He has for me? Am I so shallow that I feel that if I don't see results immediately, I get discouraged and give up on the church? Am I such a control freak that if I'm not directly involved in any changes that go on in the church as a whole, I am disappointed that God's not using me? Seriously Danica?

I am not in charge of fixing everything.

I do not have to be involved in every part of everything.

I am not solely responsible for the fate of the church.

God will not abandon His church.

God gives wisdom to the church.

The Holy Spirit leads church leaders.

God is so much bigger than I think He is. He has watched His people go from loving Him to hating Him to worshiping Him and back to ignoring Him over and over again throughout history. God is not surprised when people lose focus on Him. He's seen it before and knows that we are naturally like distracted children, who turn to focus on anything new and shiny. God's grace is over that. He knows that we are but dust. He knows my passions, desires, and habits more than I do. He loves those in me because He made them. He is in the process of turning those wants and desires in my life toward Him. He is pulling me closer to Him. He is returning to me as I return to Him. He is returning to His church as they return to Him. He is drawing them near to Himself and working in people's hearts to return to their first love. He is doing that as He wills. He loves His church and promises to work for the good of those who love Him. Truly following Christ comes from the Holy Spirit's work in one's life. Nothing I say can save anyone. That's not saying that we do not have influence and shouldn't be involved in people's lives, but redemption is a work from Jesus. God is in charge. God is actively pursuing His children and is directly involved in His church, even when I don't necessarily see Him. It is not my job to see or supervise God's work. God works so much more intricately than I think. He is constantly at work within His people. We are His people. He will not abandon us. We are not our own. I am not my own. He has given me life now I live my life for Him. I live my life to seek Him first. He will take care of His church.

"...You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God..."
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

I am not my own. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me so much and forgiving me for thinking that I could help the church alone. Thank you for showing me that You are the One in charge of the Sun rising and setting everyday, and that You are the One who keeps the animals fed and the trees growing, and that You maintain life on this planet everyday. Thank you for showing me Your power in my life. I want a bigger view of You in my life and a smaller view of myself. I don't want to be so zoomed in on my own problems and what I perceive as things that need to be changed. You are working within us to will and to work for Your pleasure. I trust You in that. I am not my own. Thank you for choosing me to be Yours.

**Note: This is, as the subtitle of my blog says, just me spilling out my thoughts. I love when people read them, but please consider that this is just what's going on in my head. It's not necessarily right, it's just me processing what I'm learning or trying to make sense of. I would love comments if you have them, but please don't think I'm directing this at anyone or any church. I am talking about the church as a whole.**

1 comment:

  1. I love your processing. This is what I was so excited about when we first started writing those essays to Biola! Oh, Man... I love it.
